Interactive Entrepreneurial Workshop

Mazars, PJ Legal and Euler Hermes would like to invite you to our Interactive Entrepreneurial Workshop which will be held on December 3, 2013 at our office in Warsaw, ul. Piękna 18. The workshop starts at 9:30 a.m.

Do you know that 78% of companies operating in Poland have suffered from workers malpractice last year? Entrepreneurs are starting to realize what a serious issue an embezzlement is, they admit however, that the problem is underestimated. How does it look like in your case?

We would like to invite you to the Interactive Entrepreneurial Workshop where Mazars, PJ Legal and Euler Hermes experts will answer the following questions: How to avoid the consequences of employee's unethical actions, often threatening the existence of a company? Is it possible to effectively protect yourself against bankruptcy? How to minimize the risk of a cross-border insolvency?

Framework programme (9:30-12:30)

  • Insolvency in the domestic market vs. cross-border insolvency
  • Creative accounting
  • Corporate governance vs. internal audit
  • The risk of embezzlement, the risk of extortion, activity to the detriment of a creditor - Can we predict and minimize the loss?

The workshop will be held in Polish.