“Controlling. Concept, applications, implementation”

A new book written by Director in Mazars in Poland Advisory Department Jacek Goliszewski “Controlling. Concept, applications, implementation” has just been released.

The aim of the book is to present controlling issues in a comprehensive manner and show how to make use of it in business. The author discusses controlling goals and objectives from an international perspective, defines what controlling is and presents the role and responsibilities of a controller. He describes the methods of designing and implementing controlling system in order to support strategic and operational management as well as various functions and activity areas of a company. A valuable addition to those considerations are examples of practical use of controlling and case studies.

The book has been published by Wolters Kluwer publishing house and is available in Polish.

Book on Controlling by Jacek Goliszewski

If you are interested in this topic, you can have a look at this publication at:
